First Name Last Name Organisation Paper Title Paper # Presentation Status Poster Board
Eliza Collier Cerebral Palsy Alliance Constraint Induced Movement Therapy for the lower extremity for children with unilateral cerebral palsy - a pilot study protocol 163 Abstract accepted as Demonstration Poster Friday - 1
Rachael Marpole Perth Children's Hospital Medical service usage data of children with cerebral palsy at greatest risk for RESPiratory hospital Admissions (RESP-ACT) 76 Abstract accepted as Scientific Poster Friday - 10
Kerry Britt The University of Melbourne Exploring beliefs about and influences on family-centred approaches to practice: a mixed-methods study. 397 Abstract accepted as Scientific Poster Friday - 11
Kerry Britt The University of Melbourne Impacts of family-centred service education on health professionals working in paediatric disability: a scoping review. 384 Abstract accepted as Scientific Poster Friday - 12
Hedva Chiu The University of Ottawa & The Children's Hospital of Eastern Ontario Program Evaluation of a Multi-disciplinary Cross-centre Transition Clinic for Youth with Physical Disabilities: What Do the Metrics Show? 59 Abstract accepted as Scientific Poster Friday - 13
Katarina Ostojic The University of Sydney EPIC-CP: a pilot feasibility trial to address the unmet social needs of families of children with cerebral palsy 346 Abstract accepted as Scientific Poster Friday - 14
Sue-Anne Davidson Perth Children's Hospital, Child and Adolescent Health Service A qualitative study of parents’ and clinicians’ perspectives of accessing early childhood services for children at risk of cerebral palsy. 376 Abstract accepted as Scientific Poster Friday - 15
Shona Goldsmith Cerebral Palsy Alliance, University of Sydney Involving people with lived experience in priority setting for cerebral palsy research: a scoping review 168 Abstract accepted as Scientific Poster Friday - 16
Genevieve Perrins University of Sydney Health literacy of primary caregivers of children with cerebral palsy in low-and middle-income countries: a systematic review 401 Abstract accepted as Scientific Poster Friday - 17
Hedva Chiu The University of Ottawa & The Children's Hospital of Eastern Ontario Validation of a Smart Hallway for Gait Analysis in Children with Cerebral Palsy 248 Abstract accepted as Demonstration Poster Friday - 18
Si Long Tou Holland Bloorview Kids Rehabilitation Hospital Quantifying the behavioral and neurological plasticity induced by EEG visual P300-Brain Computer Interface music therapy in children with CP 319 Abstract accepted as Demonstration Poster Friday - 19
Nofar Ben Itzhak KU Leuven A double-blind randomised controlled trial to evaluate the effectiveness of a gamified adaptive visual perception intervention for cerebral visual impairment 47 Abstract accepted as Scientific Poster Friday - 2
Darryl Chiu Cerebral Palsy Alliance Research Institute Equity, Empowerment, Ease of Use, and Education: An international survey of cerebral palsy stakeholders on assistive technology innovations. 40 Abstract accepted as Scientific Poster Friday - 20
Julie Choisne Auckland Bioengineering Institute Predicting paediatric lower limb bone shape using bony landmarks. 156 Abstract accepted as Scientific Poster Friday - 21
Claire Smart Cerebral Palsy Alliance Accessible TechToys for Infants with Significant Motor and Physical Needs: Survey 145 Abstract accepted as Scientific Poster Friday - 22
Margaret Wallen Australian Catholic University A novel technology-enhanced method to support home therapy programs for preschool children with cerebral palsy: Parent perceptions of CPToys 77 Abstract accepted as Scientific Poster Friday - 23
Nofar Ben Itzhak KU Leuven The relation between visual fatigue and clutter in children with cerebral visual impairment 48 Abstract accepted as Scientific Poster Friday - 24
Jordan Dinh The Healthy Strides Foundation Walking endurance with a supportive stepping device in children and young adolescents with cerebral palsy: A clinical audit 180 Abstract accepted as Scientific Poster Friday - 25
Lisa Hong RBWH EPINO: Early Prediction of Infant Neurodevelopmental Outcomes: Study Protocol 317 Abstract accepted as Scientific Poster Friday - 26
Kelsey Jamieson Kids+ Foundation Cognitive strategy use in children with unilateral cerebral palsy, compared with peers 352 Abstract accepted as Scientific Poster Friday - 27
Se Ra Lee Chungnam National University Hospital Reliability of the Korean version of Visual Function Classification System for children with Cerebral Palsy 219 Abstract accepted as Scientific Poster Friday - 28
Lisa Mailleux KU Leuven Reliability and validity of assessing grip strength in preschool-aged children with and without unilateral cerebral palsy 214 Abstract accepted as Scientific Poster Friday - 29
Annie Chappell Western Kids Health The effect of a low-load plyometric intervention on running kinematics in children with cerebral palsy 56 Abstract accepted as Scientific Poster Friday - 3
Lisa Mailleux KU Leuven How vision relates with bimanual function in children with unilateral cerebral palsy 240 Abstract accepted as Scientific Poster Friday - 30
You Gyoung Yi Department Of Rehabilitation Medicine, Ewha Woman's University Seoul Hospital Ewha Woman's University School Of Medicine Development and Validation of the Korean version of Rett Syndrome Behavioral Questionnaire 27 Abstract accepted as Scientific Poster Friday - 31
Anya Gordon Townsville University Hospital Townsville Hospital and Health Service Engagement in a First Nations cultural adaptation of the LEAP-CP early screening program 404 Abstract accepted as Scientific Poster Friday - 32
Michelle Phoenix McMaster University and CanChild Accessibility of childcare services in Canada for children aged 0 to 5 years with disabilities 308 Abstract accepted as Scientific Poster Friday - 33
Liza van Eijk James Cook University Pilot testing the clinical utility of neonatal brain MRI for North-Queensland infants at high-risk for adverse neurodevelopmental outcomes 387 Abstract accepted as Scientific Poster Friday - 34
Adriana Neves Dos Santos Universidade Federal De Santa Catarina Pilot study comparing telerehabilitation to face-to-face intervention in infants at risk of cerebral palsy 147 Abstract accepted as Scientific Poster Friday - 4
Adriana Neves Dos Santos Universidade Federal De Santa Catarina Preliminary Efficacy of the Tele-Rehabilitation Program Keep Move Together (Tele-KMT) for Children and Adolescents with Neuromotor Impairments: Effects Over Time 70 Abstract accepted as Scientific Poster Friday - 5
Isabella Pessota Sudati Federal University of São Carlos Threshold dose of intensive training targeting mobility for children and adolescents with cerebral palsy: Findings from a systematic review 393 Abstract accepted as Scientific Poster Friday - 6
Fiona Smaha Xavier Children's Support Network Exploring what Australian physiotherapists know, experience and understand about night-time postural care 12 Abstract accepted as Scientific Poster Friday - 7
Jane Hamer Te Whatu Ora Waitemata What caregivers say about sleep systems 7 Abstract accepted as Scientific Poster Friday - 8
Alice Soper McMaster University School-Based Disability Awareness Programs for Children and Youth: A Scoping Review 297 Abstract accepted as Scientific Poster Friday - 9
James Czencz Australian Catholic University Understanding the wants and needs of adults with cerebral palsy who use wheelchairs to participate in community-based physical activity. 148 Abstract accepted as Scientific Poster Thursday - 1
Naomi Hodder Cerebral Palsy Alliance Early communication intervention for infants with or at high risk of cerebral palsy 51 Abstract accepted as Demonstration Poster Thursday - 11
Jacinta Pennacchia University of Melbourne Enhancing the participation of people with communication disabilities in research by optimising informed consent processes 291 Abstract accepted as Scientific Poster Thursday - 12
Margaret Wallen Australian Catholic University Eye-gaze control technology: Qualitative perspectives of people with cerebral palsy and their communication partners about outcomes and service provision 43 Abstract accepted as Scientific Poster Thursday - 13
Margaret Wallen Australian Catholic University A framework and toolkit for inclusive research with people with cerebral palsy who use Alternative and Augmentative communication (AAC) 166 Abstract accepted as Demonstration Poster Thursday - 14
Roslyn Boyd The University of Queensland Systematic review of diagnostic accuracy of early detection tools to detect Cerebral Palsy and Autism Spectrum Disorder in at-risk infants. 210 Abstract accepted as Scientific Poster Thursday - 15
Joanna Butchart University of Melbourne Can we use administrative data to identify adult NDIS participants with child-onset disability? 250 Abstract accepted as Scientific Poster Thursday - 16
Eleanor Fletcher The Children's Hospital at Westmead Association of neuroimaging findings and outcomes in cerebral palsy 162 Abstract accepted as Scientific Poster Thursday - 17
Thembi Katangwe Kamuzu University of Health Sciences Epidemiology of Cerebral Palsy in Rural Malawi: Interim Findings from the Malawi CP Register 85 Abstract accepted as Scientific Poster Thursday - 18
Emma Waight Cerebral palsy Alliance Research Institute, The University of Sydney Improving register ascertainment of post-neonatally acquired cerebral palsy through partnership with health services 213 Abstract accepted as Scientific Poster Thursday - 19
Eduardo Duarte Machado Australian Catholic University A collaborative approach to develop an inclusive dance program – A practical guide for inclusion of children with Cerebral Palsy 281 Abstract accepted as Scientific Poster Thursday - 2
Nofar Ben Itzhak KU Leuven Health-related quality of life in children with cerebral visual impairment: A child self-report and a parent proxy-report comparison 49 Abstract accepted as Scientific Poster Thursday - 20
Nicole Enlow Nemours Children's Health Assessing Family Psychosocial Risk in Cerebral Palsy: Adaptation of the Psychosocial Assessment Tool (PAT) 60 Abstract accepted as Scientific Poster Thursday - 21
Corri Stuyvenberg University of Minnesota Impact of Preterm Infant Motor Skills on Parent-Infant Emotional Availability at Term Age 303 Abstract accepted as Scientific Poster Thursday - 22
Maria De Las Mercedes Ruiz Brunner Instituto de Investigacion en Ciencias de la Salud (Conicet- UNC) Birth and current feeding difficulties: their relationship to nutritional status in children and adolescents with cerebral palsy. 232 Abstract accepted as Scientific Poster Thursday - 23
Megan Auld CPL - Choice, Passion, Life Starting school: The expectations and reflections of parents of children with cerebral palsy 94 Abstract accepted as Scientific Poster Thursday - 24
Kate Cameron University of Melbourne Neurodevelopment of children born moderate-to-late preterm and term at school age; a longitudinal cohort study 160 Abstract accepted as Scientific Poster Thursday - 25
Nicole Merrick University of Melbourne Care coordination for children with medically complex cerebral palsy: the experiences and perspectives of caregivers and families. 91 Abstract accepted as Scientific Poster Thursday - 26
Sermin Tukel Akay Murdoch Children's Research Institute High Incidence of Visuomotor Precision Errors and Possible Developmental Coordination Disorder in Childhood Apraxia of Speech 360 Abstract accepted as Scientific Poster Thursday - 27
Wade Shrader Nemours Children's Health A New Clinical Protocol to Evaluate Standing Transfer Function in the Gait Analysis Laboratory 86 Abstract accepted as Demonstration Poster Thursday - 28
Christiana Barker Starship Children's Hospital The effect of serial casting on medial gastrocnemius muscle architecture in children with idiopathic toe walking 170 Abstract accepted as Scientific Poster Thursday - 29
Carlee Holmes Murdoch Children’s Research Institute Home-based Motorised Cycling in Non-ambulant Adults with Cerebral Palsy: A Feasibility study. 98 Abstract accepted as Scientific Poster Thursday - 3
Jason J. Howard Nemours Children's Health, Alfred I. Dupont Campus Hip displacement after triradiate cartilage closure in ambulatory cerebral palsy: who needs continued radiographic surveillance? 95 Abstract accepted as Scientific Poster Thursday - 30
Jason J. Howard Nemours Children's Health, Alfred I. Dupont Campus Scoliosis Correction in Spinal Muscular Atrophy: The Influence of Genetic Severity, Function and Disease-Modifying Agents on Post-operative Outcomes 89 Abstract accepted as Scientific Poster Thursday - 31
P. Ellie Montufar Wright Nemours Children's Health Should We Remove Hardware in Children with Cerebral Palsy after Hip Osteotomy? 44 Abstract accepted as Scientific Poster Thursday - 32
Erich Rutz The Royal Children's Hospital, Melbourne Biomechanics and Surgical Management of Dorsal Bunion in Non-Ambulatory Adolescents with Cerebral Palsy 252 Abstract accepted as Scientific Poster Thursday - 33
Francisco Valencia University of Arizona Intravenous vs perioneural steriods augmentation of perioperative nerve blocks in pediatric lower extremity orthopedic procedures, a randomized study 131 Abstract accepted as Scientific Poster Thursday - 34
Afra Islam The University of Queensland Sports Priorities and Objectives for Research & Translation of Youth with childhood-onset disability (the SPORTY project) 178 Abstract accepted as Scientific Poster Thursday - 4
Rachel Kennedy La Trobe University Understanding how gym entry fees impact participation in community gyms among young adults with disability: a mixed methods study 201 Abstract accepted as Scientific Poster Thursday - 5
Georgia McKenzie La Trobe University Industry perspectives on the implementation of social support for young adults with disability in community gyms: A qualitative study 65 Abstract accepted as Scientific Poster Thursday - 6
Jacinta Quartermaine The University of Queensland Living with Cerebral Palsy: Understanding the Self-Reported Community-Based Participation Experiences of Young People with Cerebral Palsy. 102 Abstract accepted as Scientific Poster Thursday - 7
Alesha Southby La Trobe University The experience of allied health and fitness professionals working with people with Prader-Willi syndrome in community gyms: A qualitative study. 55 Abstract accepted as Scientific Poster Thursday - 8
Sian Spencer Queensland Children's Hospital Sport Climbing - Recreation through to competition paraclimbing; Outcomes of a Churchill Trust Fellowship 150 Abstract accepted as Scientific Poster Thursday - 9