The Australasian Academy of Cerebral Palsy and Developmental Medicine (AusACPDM) Conference Scholarship Program offers funding and support to healthcare and disability professionals for whom attendance might otherwise not be possible.

In 2024, we encourage scholarship applications from people in the target groups listed below, and who meet the eligibility criteria.

  • Healthcare or disability professionals from regional or remote areas in Australia, New Zealand, OR from Pacific nations or other HINARI countries.
  • Early career researchers who have submitted their research for paper/poster presentations.
  • Limited funding: you have no other sources of funding that would support you to attend the conference.
  • Community leadership: you are a leader or influencer in your community, and in a position to share the knowledge you learn from the conference.

This year there are three scholarship options:

  1. In-person attendance in Cairns: this scholarship includes registration, and partial funding towards travel and/or accommodation and two years of complimentary membership of the AusACPDM.
  2. Virtual attendance: this includes registration to attend the full conference virtually and two years complimentary membership of the AusACPDM.
  3. Work site attendance. This includes a group virtual registration which allows multiple people from one site to join the conference via the virtual streaming.

Scholarship Application Portal

Visit the scholarship application portal to understand the full submission process. You can save a submission at any time to return to it later.

Download the forms:

If you are unsure or have questions, please reach out to the Conference Secretariat, who will direct your enquiry to the appropriate person/s.

How to apply

  1. Complete the application form
  2. Gather the evidence needed to support your application (see table below)
Criteria Regional & remote (Aus & NZ)
Pacific nations & international
Early career researchers
Target group Proof of area of residence within Australia / New Zealand Proof of country of residence Proof of enrolment in a university research degree
Limited funding Statement from your employer stating that professional development funding is not available (or co-contribution) Statement from your employer stating that professional development funding is not available (or co-contribution) Statement from your institution confirming other sources of funding have been applied for unsuccessfully or are unavailable
Community leadership Scholarship Supporting Statement completed by your supervisor or employer


Written statement from others in your community confirming your position and ability to share knowledge
Scholarship Supporting Statement completed by your supervisor or employer


Written statement from others in your community confirming your position and ability to share knowledge
Scholarship Supporting Statement completed by your supervisor confirming your ability to share knowledge

Scholarship Inclusions

The scholarship gives you the opportunity to network virtually or in person with multi-disciplinary experts in the field of childhood-onset disability and stay up to date with the latest clinical care, research and evidence-based practice.

All scholarships (virtual and in-person) include:

  • Registration to the conference (excluding pre-conference workshops, breakfast seminars and conference social events not included in standard registration costs). Work site scholarships will include a single virtual link for the duration of the conference, with the intention that the work site recipient group are able to engage with conference content as a group to enable discussion and enhance the virtual conference experience.
  • Ticket to attend the International Affairs Luncheon.

International Affairs Luncheon

All scholarship recipients attending in person and virtually are required to attend the International Affairs luncheon.

Five of the scholarship winners will be invited to speak at this event.


We have some terms and conditions. Please read these to make sure you comply:

  • All documents must be submitted online
  • You must not already be receiving other funding from the AusACPDM (e.g. PhD Platform scholarship, invited speaker, etc)
  • You must not have been awarded an AusACPDM scholarship for the 2020 or 2022 conference.
  • If your application is successful:
    • You agree to have your name and individual photo published in the conference app as a scholarship recipient.
    • You agree to submit a photo within your work environment which includes aspects of your work. Your photo will be displayed online as part the AusACPDM photo exhibition. Further instruction will be sent once the scholarship is confirmed.
    • You agree to send us a short report two months after the conference, outlining what you have learned and how you have shared it with your networks.


Applications received by 11 February 2024 will be checked for completeness. All complete applications will be forwarded to the Scholarship sub-committee for review.

Applications will be reviewed, discussed, and scored by the Scholarship sub-committee, with a final decision made by 18 March 2024. Applicants will be notified by 18 March 2024.

Contact us

If you face any issues in submitting your application, accessing the portal or have any other questions, please contact